Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.

- Eugene O'neil

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Simplicity of Letters

The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity. ~Walt Whitman

In between sorting through all my art supplies, I have been mucking around with my blog format. It's not quite right, but it is getting there.

Meanwhile, I don't have much news to share. I do want to mention how much I adore comments. I love them on facebook, I love the replies to my tweets, and I am honored to have had three wonderful internet friends comment on my first blog post, here!

Isn't it interesting how important a few well written words can be? Even one quick note can completely lift a person's day. Speaking of well written words - Walt Whitman (above) certainly knows how to make a point. In eighteen words he sums it up. Sometimes what you are trying to get across doesn't have to be encased in a lengthy soliloquy. In fact, sometimes the beauty of a message is made even more so by the very simplicity of the words themselves.

"Have some virtual Liquid Nails from me and glue, glue, glue girl!" - Laurie

"Love you sweetie!!" - SueAnn

"Hugs to you Chel!" - Sherra

I have one word to share with all of you:

And keep the comments coming, I love to hear from friends - old and new.

Here's to hoping that every word that comes your way today is good!

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