Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.

- Eugene O'neil

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Phew! That took a while!

I know, I know, I dissapeared again.  Life got exceedingly hectic after that last post.  To sum, we had to put our house on the market, it sold, we had to find a new place, we did and moved, and then a summer of (wonderful) business ensued. I spent months in:  Far Northern California, Michigan, Las Vegas, Dallas, Las Vegas again, Las Vegas a third time, oh and Monterrey too!  Also, my kids started school somewhere in there, my step-daughter starting her junior year of high school, and my son began his freshman year.  It was all great, but left me with little or no time for blogging. 

 I am finally home, the kids are settled, I am settled, and I anticipate having time to blog regularly again!  WOO HOO!~ 

Not only that, I have actually had time to play with my art supplies again, and have been having an inordinate amount of fun!  With the help of the fabulously fun and talented Happy Harris of Happy Loves Rosie fame, I have a brand new blog that is dedicated exclusively to my art. 

Check it out, here:

As with this blog, I LOVE my followers and visitors.  If you follow the new blog, that blog will follow you too!

And!  I have a new etsy shop that I am starting to fill up, as well.  Visit, here:

Of course I will keep blogging here, talking about personal shtuff...  Like cooking, home decor, and all my vintage goodies.  I look forward to participating in lotsa blog parties too!


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