Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.

- Eugene O'neil

Friday, February 18, 2011

The sight of the stars...

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”  
- Vincent Van Gogh

Oh, I have been beside myself with misery the past two days, fighting a flu.  I am just starting to feel better now.  Phew!  However, I found the greatest site, a beta site called Pinterest ~ that serves as the world's largest online inspiration board.  The idea is that you collect images that inspire you, and create categories for images so that you can visit them at any time.  Likewise, others can view, follow, or copy elements of your boards.  

So, while I have been stuck on the couch watching daytime t.v. ~ I've made it through by viewing and creating the most wonderful images, and my own boards.  What boards have I created of my own?  Everything from Places and Spaces I Love, to Polka Dots and Cherries!  You can view all of my boards, here:

Because the site is in beta stage, you have to request an invite to join.  I did so, and was invited within a few days.  I am so glad.  I am having a blast!  Enjoy looking around, and re-check anytime you want.  I have a feeling my boards will be updated regularly.  When it comes to inspiration, it knows no bounds!

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